Kalniete, Sandra, Es lauzu, tu lauzi, mēs lauzām, viņi lūza / Sandra Kalniete ; [mākslinieks Ilmārs Blumbergs]. Rīga : Jumava, 2000 479 lpp. : il. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9984053105 (iesiets).
Latvijas Tautas fronte. Baltijas ceļš. Vēlēšanas. Neatkarības atjaunošana, dažādi dokumenti un atsauces. Notikumu hronika Latvijā, Atmodas laikā no 1985. g. - 1990. g. 4. maijam.
Papildināts ar personu rādītāju un bibliogrāfiju.
Izvērsts faktu materiāls par Atmodas periodu Latvijā un neformālajām kustībām.
Es lauzu, tu lauzi, mēs lauzām. Viņi lūza (I Broke, You Broke, We Broke. They Fell Apart), a book about Latvia's independence movement, published in 2000 by Sandra Kalniete.
Sandra Kalniete (born 22 December 1952) is a Latvian politician, author, diplomat and independence movement leader. She served as Foreign Minister of Latvia 2002–2004 and as European Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries in 2004. Since 2009, she has served as Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for the European People's Party.
She joined politicsin 1988, during Latvia's independence movement, and was a deputy chairwoman and one of the founders of Latvian Popular Front, the main pro-independence political organization.